We would be very honored to create beautiful handmade glass art memorials for you. The loss of your loved one is so difficult.
Our artists capture the essence of your loved one's spirit in a swirl of color and ashes, sealed forever within beautiful glass art.
These amazing pieces comfort your grieving, allowing you to hold and treasure your memories.
Each order is treated with the utmost care and respect, following strict tracking and production methods.
We encourage you to visit and watch your memorials being created in person or we mail you a collection package to securely return a tablespoon of your loved one's ashes for each memorial to be created. Thank you for trusting us to help you heal.
Greg and Christina Dale & Artful Ashes Team
Artful Ashes Team

Marshall, Sophia, Leslie, Giuliana, Gina, Lindsey, Greg, Christina, Justin, Minhi, Kayla and Carol.
Not pictured: Jesse, Eric and Bri
We would like to invite you to explore our website to see from start to finish, how carefully we handle your loved one's ashes, create your beautiful glass art memorials and get them home safely...
My inspirations for our amazing business are my Father and my Grandparents. The Green/Aqua/Purple/Gold heart with red flowers featured on our site was made with my Grandparents ashes.
Maynard and Claudia, Together Forever.
Love Greg ❤️
I always wanted to care for people and help them heal.
We truly love bringing a bit of your loved one's home to you forever in stunning glass art!
These are my Parents
Love Christina ❤️

Christina and Greg would like to give special appreciation to Jesse and Minhi England for helping us develop our amazing business. We sadly lost our Jesse in 2021.